In the large room where the workshop takes place, total confidentiality is demanded from the 10 or more participants. The person who wants to experience a constellation must present a clear issue in relation to a serious personnal subject aiming at a concrete result, for example : to form a couple, to succeed professionally, to come out of a suicidal tendancy, to find one’s place in life, etc. He must also find out as many facts and dramas concerning his ancestors : early death of children or parents, miscarriage, abortion, suicide, mental illness, great poverty, forgotten or excluded people from the clan, important ex-partners of father or mother, incest, violence, alcoholism, betrayal, etc.
Conscious of these informations, the facilitator suggests to the person doing his/her constellation to silently place, in the work space, a certain number of people from his/her family clan, using the participants. He/she also chooses a participant to represent him/her; this person can more objectively reflect an accurate image and express his/her feelings. From then on he sits down to witness what is about to happen.
The facilitator asks all the people « playing a role » (representatives) how they feel. Centering their attention inwards, they come to feel and describe physical sensations, emotions, thoughts, images or movements that emerge from within, though they know nothing of the person they represent. For these people, it is a powerful experience because they do not understand how they can feel so clearly something that does not belong to them.
The facilitator encourages the representatives to follow their movement and proceeds to restore order between the members of the clan after having given back their place to the excluded members; he proposes liberating and healing sentences which name the reality, the entanglements and anchors the solution in the soul; he encourages, when necessary, a person to hand back to an ancestor a « suitcase » which represents his difficult destiny, etc.
From the initial image (the placement done in the beginning by the person doing his/her constellation), the facilitator and the representatives move towards a solution that allows for an internal healing. Towards the end, the facilitator invites the person doing his/her constellation to take his/her place in order to become impregnated with this new vision.
The underlying dynamics thus enlightened, the person doing his/her constellation can finally walk, burden-free, to fulfil him/herself in his/her life thanks to the initiated change of vision. In brief, the constellation work is a way of staging your genealogical tree, of experiencing « in situ » the family unconscious, of witnessing the past to free oneself of it and, at last, follow your own true path.